WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. DRAFT CAIRNGORMS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP Minutes of the Cairngorms Housing Development Working Group Held at Cairngorm National Park Authority offices, Grantown-on-Spey on Tuesday 4th May 2004 at 2pm Present: Andrew Thin Convenor Anne MacLean Board Member Eleanor McIntosh Board Member Sheena Slimon Board Member Norman Brockie Planning Officer (Local Plan) Andrew Harper Head of Social & Economic Development Fiona Munro Housing Policy Officer Appointment of Chair 1. There was a general discussion about who would be best placed to chair the Group, Sheena Slimon nominated Anne Maclean. This was agreed by the rest of the group. Terms of Reference 2. It was agreed that the Terms of Reference would be as follows: Purpose a) To identify approaches to affordable home ownership that would be suitable for b) To monitor progress of the Cairngorms Housing Implementation Group It was noted that close links would need to be maintained with the Local Plan Group. Outputs 3. The main outputs are: • An audit of what existing mechanisms there are to assist in providing affordable home ownership • Andrew and Fiona to gather that information or evaluate the necessity for an outside agency to carry out the research. This may not just be in the UK but internationally. • Examine how applicable these mechanisms are within the context of the Park • Identify potential new mechanisms • Identify means of implementation Membership 4. It was agreed that the current membership was acceptable. There will be occasions when we need to ask others, to discuss issues, to join the meeting such as Communities Scotland, the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust and others. Next Steps 5. It was agreed that the above agenda items were the next steps. Board Paper - Affordable Housing 6. Andrew Harper has asked Fiona Munro to prepare a briefing paper for the Board on affordable housing issues such as: • Water & Sewerage • Update on the Scottish Executive Housing Review • Setting the context of the Cairngorms Housing Strategy Implementation Group and the Cairngorms Housing Development Working Group 7. Andrew Thin indicated that the Board will be looking at different types of papers in the future such as briefing, policy and strategy papers. This shows a move on from core values to where we are going. Odyssey Community Limited 8. The organisation is run by Quentin Richards. Odyssey Community Limited specialises in providing low cost home ownership and non grant aided rental schemes for local village people who cannot afford to buy outright. They are a privately funded initiative using no public money. 9. The Village Trust’s responsibilities include choosing who occupies the houses as well as deciding how the trust income will be spent. 20% of the net rental income is given to the landowner as rent for the land and 5% goes to the community. 10. Anne MacLean has concerns how it will fit with Scottish legislation. A selection of questions would be prepared prior to the meeting to ensure all concerns were voiced. This will included questions from Ron McNeill of the Royal Bank of Scotland who expressed an interest at the Housing Strategy Implementation group. It was agreed by the group that Andrew Harper should contact Quentin Richards to set up a meeting when he is next in the area. Forest Enterprise 11. Andrew Harper had been approached by Di Alexander of the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust regarding their wish to purchase of a 17 acre site at Kincraig from the Forestry Commission. The Trust are currently preparing a feasibility study for the site and would like to run a design competition for the design. This would consist of high quality specification, high use of timber. It was agreed that the Group would lend their support but not in the capacity of planning. The group would endorse the general principle. There may potentially be some innovation on this site. AOCB 12. Sheena Slimon asked if there were possibilities to amend the rules on Rural Home Ownership grants. Tied householders in Laggan would like to build their own homes and then rent these out to the Highland Council. Primarily because their jobs tied them to their houses. Fiona Munro stated that Communities Scotland were doing a review of RHOGS and it would be best to contact Mairi Ross in the Inverness office. Date of next meeting 13. It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be the Wednesday 25th August 04 at 9am. The Housing Development Working Group meeting would precede the Cairngorm Housing Strategy Implementation Group.